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Printer Queue-VTADS Printing Errors - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Printer Queue-VTADS Printing Errors

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Log into the server having issues, don't go to the menu of the server (like ros_menu) just log in as super user (su)


  • lpstat -t
  • Find the printer with all the stacked up jobs:

  • You can either cancel all the jobs 
    • cancel -a "printername" (exp wndistrcrtrm)

or you can cancel a single job if there is a large job seemingly causing the problem

  • cancel "printerjob"  (exp wndistrcrtrm-301667)
  • After you delete all or some of the jobs causing the problem, the printer needs to be 'enabled' again.

/usr/sbin/cupsenable "printername" (exp wndistrcrtrm)


If you do a new lpstat -t the jobs should start coming off the list