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Adding Party Back In (Partyrem event) - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Adding Party Back In (Partyrem event)

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Adding Party Back in

(Ticket ex: 34081)

If a partyrem event was entered into a docket by accident, you will need to both remove the event and add the party back in via the party table.

From the header of the docket, press Tab + P:

This will take you to the party table, but to edit the parties, you will need to highlight any selection in the "NUM" column on the far left and press 

Shift + F4:

This next screen is where all deleted parties will be held, and this screen is where you can edit the parties. On the far right, there is a "RMV'D" column:

And any parties that have a 'y' flag in this column have been removed via a "partyrem" event. To add the party back in, arrow down to them, and then enter over until you are highlighting the "y":

And press space to clear out the flag. Press F9 to save your change and then F1 out of the editing screen and back to the first party screen.

VTADS will automatically update with your changes. F1 to go back to the header of the docket then press F2 to open the event list and  press Ctrl + F3 to "clear to find":

Press Enter to highlight the space under "EVENT" and type "partyrem":

And press F3 to search, all partyrem events in the docket will pull up, find the one relating to the party you added back in, and press F7 + type "evekill" to remove the event.