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Transferring Payments to New Entity - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Transferring Payments to New Entity

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Transferring Payments

(Ticket ex: 32873)

To transfer a payment from an entity if it was incorrectly applied, you will need the entity id of the correct entity, and the id of the entity the payment needs to be moved from. Once you have both and know which payment you are swapping, log into the appropriate VTADS server

Go into the docket:

From the header of the docket, press Shift + F4:

Type over "docket" and type "payord" then press enter twice to highlight 'p' and type over it with 's' so it will only open another screen, not print. F9 to print to screen.

In the screen that pops up you will see the 'Fine id" and "Agree Id" of all fees and fines in the docket. Note the Fine ID and Agree ID as you will search the payment with these two numbers:

Press 'q' to close the payord screen, and then F1 to get out of the docket and to the selection menu:

Navigate to the direct tables by selecting:

-23. System Administration Reports

-4. Direct Table Access

With payments, there are 5 tables total to work with:

Typically you will want to start from the bottom (11.Credit Tables) and work your way upwards to the Agree Table, because depending on what you are doing, a change will not take in the Agree Table if it has not been made in the Fine Table.

For PD orders like in the example ticket, you'll want to start at the fine table, but any of them are fine for searching. 

Open one of the tables and look for the field that says something like, "_finid" or "_agrid" at the end of it:

For example the debit table will say "deb_finid" where the fine table will simply say "fin_id". Enter either the Fine ID or Agree ID you took from the payord screen in the docket and press F3 to search.

In the Fine Table, I searched by the Fine ID for the PD order, and the top field is the entity tied to the payment. Type over the incorrect entity with the entity provided by the docket clerk and press F9 to save:

Then press F1 to go back to the direct table list, and open the Agree Table:

And press enter to highlight the "Agr_entid" field and correct the entity ID there as well and F9 to save:

Afterwards, F1 to the selection screen then search the docket again and from the header of the case Tab + E to open the entity of the defendant:

The Tab + P to open the payments of the defendant and verify that the payment is now under the correct entity: