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stackunderflow error notice - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

stackunderflow error notice

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  • This means a document that a clerk ordered failed to print. You can save it again to have it print again.
  • The subject of the email and contents of the eamil have important information including the clerk and the Docket No
  • The body of hte email contains an EvtID you will have to work with.

Subject: aclerkname~7349~4544861^123-1-19Wrcr^976-12 - Check for a Blank, Ostack or No Notification Error

  1. Open docket
  2. Find hte event ID by number for the "EvtID:xxxxxxx^" listed at the bottom of the email
  3. Open to edit (SHIFT + F4)
  4. Re-save (F9)
  5. Exit