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Searching In The Entity Table - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Searching In The Entity Table

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Searching In The Entity Table

***If you want to practice, each VTADS server has a "test & training" option so you are not in the production database*** 

Log into any VTADS server, and open any county. From the menu list choose Entity Tables:

The following menu will pop up:

To search a defendant, you want to use option 1. To search for an attorney, option 2.

You will need at least the last name of the person you are searching, but for a quicker search, you will want both the first and last name. The search is case-sensitive. Once you have the name typed in, press F3 to search and the entity screen will populate:

If you see a '+' above the name in the header of the entity screen, that means more entity records are available. Press F4 to search forwards through and F3 to go back through the records.

Some important parts of the entity screen to note is the location of the entity ID of the person you searched:

For attorneys, you can see the ERN (Electronic Registration Number) which ties their VTADS record to eCabinet so they can receive eNotices:

And the attorney's license number: