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Seal/No PC Process - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Seal/No PC Process

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Seal/No PC Process

(Ticket ex: 33231 & 33348)

The process for Sealed or No PC (No Probable Cause) are the same but:

  • Disputes needing to be set to No PC need to have a 'chgdisp' for any disputes being mark No PC
  • Disputes needing to be set to Sealed should have a note or entry order in stating which disputes need to be set.
  • Per Court Operations, when a Juvenile case has multiple disputes and one of them is eligible for expungement, the entire case will be expunged. (9/19)

**We do not delete disputes that the judge orders No PC or Sealed. If the docket clerks have deleted the dispute, do not proceed.**

*****For this process you will need to switch between "insert" and "replace" mode****

Press F8 to enter "insert mode", you can check which mode you are in by looking in the upper left hand corner of the window and F8 will swap you between the two modes of "replace" and "insert":

From the header of the case, press F2 to open the event list.

  • In this ticket (33231) for No PC we can see that there is only one dispute, so the court staff can enter an "entrem" (entity removal) event. This goes for any case where all disputes are being mark No PC, Sealed, or Expunged.
  • In the second ticket for sealing a charge (Ticket 33348) check to make sure there is a note event to state which one is sealed, if there is not, ask the clerk to create one.

Go through the event list of the docket and find the charge event for the count to be Sealed or set to No PC.

F7 + evemod then F9 to bring up the event modify screen:

Tab + T will pop up another screen which has the description of the charge:

Enter "Insert" mode by pressing F8. Then press enter so you are highlighting "name" under the "ete_type" column and put an x in front of it, then F9 to save:

Press F7 to add a new line, and type either "SEALED" or "NO PROBABLE CAUSE FOUND" for whichever you are doing, then enter to the "ete_type" and type "name" then enter once more to the tag column and put a "0":

F9 to save then press F1 to get back to the event modify screen, and press Tab + d:

While still in insert mode (F8) enter over to highlight "arrest" and insert an 'x' then press F9 to save, Arrow down to the second line, press enter to highlight "offense" and insert an 'x', F9 to save:

F1 once to get back to the event modify screen, the Tab + C:

In this next screen that pops up, you will need to do exactly what you did with the "arrest" and "offense" rows in the previous screen. Enter over to highlight the "eco_type" and insert an 'x' in front of "section" then F9 to save:

Do this for all lines until you hit "off_code","off_char" and/or "dis_type".

Press F8 to switch back to "replace" mode and enter over to the "eco_type" column. type "xoffcode". This needs to be done for these three eco_type entries, as they are already at the max characters allowed, but still need the "x" in front so they do not show. 

**If one of those three are not present, like for this example case, "off_char" is not there, do not add it, just  edit the lines that are there**

Below is what your screen should look similar to once you are done:

Then in that same screen, press F7 to add a line. If you are setting the charge to No PC, type "NPC" under "eco_ecode". If you are sealing, type "SEALED"

Enter over to the second column and type "off_code" and enter once more and add "0" then press F9 to save. If there was a "off_char" present in this screen,  Do the same for that type, if not, just do the one.

F1 completely out of the screen and event modify screen, back to the header of the document, and press F2 to open an updated event list. Find the charge event again and make sure there is no charge information showing:

F1 twice so you are back in the dispute table:

Highlight the dispute you are changing, and press Shift + F4 to open the details of the dispute:

Make sure you are still in replace mode (F8) and enter over until you are highlighting the description field:

Type either "NO PROBABLE CAUSE FOUND" or "SEALED" and then hold down the space bar to make sure the entire description is gone:

then space over these fields so they are empty (press enter to reach the different fields, Ctrl + U will take you back if you accidentally pass one)

Your dispute screen should look like this afterwards:

If there are any “chgamd” events entered for the counts that you sealed you have to seal the charge amend.  (NOTE:   DO NOT DELETE THE EVENT..)