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Party Removal - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Party Removal

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Party Removal

(Ticket Ex: 33214)

For the parties that are being removed, make sure there has been a party removal ("partyrem") entered for each.

Highlight each partyrem event and press F7 hit Enter and type evekill and hit F9 to remove them. Find the partyadd events for the requested parties and F7 + evekill to remove those events as well.

Check the docket for any events that have the removed parties in the notes and correct or remove the parties from the events.

F7 and type evemod to modify the event. 

In the next screen that pops up, press Tab to highlight the field under "Hair" and Type 'C'

In the next screen you should see this:

"Parls" is the party number in the event, and "motls" is the motion number in the event. Change the party to the correct one of the remaining parties, ask whoever submitted the ticket if you are unsure.*F9 to save any changes made.

After you have taken care of the events, F1 until you are back at the header of the docket and the press Tab+P to open up the party table. On the left hand side of the listed parties, are the party numbers:

You will need to renumber the remaining parties. Shift + F4 to edit the party table:

It will bring up a similar looking table but with all parties, including the ones that have been removed. Arrow down to the parties you are removing and press 

Shift + F2 to fully remove them once you have them highlighted.

Highlight the party that you need to renumber and type over them and press F9 to save your changes. F1 to go back a level to the original party screen and it will update with your changes. Any parties that you renumbered you will need to go back into the event list and edit any events with the parties you changed(F1 once more from the party table will bring you to the header of the docket then F2 from there will bring you to the event list.).

I renumbered Party 5 to Party 3 for this ticket, and so far the only event they were listed in was the Party add event:

F7 and type evemod to modify the event. 

In the next screen that pops up, press Tab to highlight the field under "Hair" and Type 'C'. Again, you'll want to edit the number associated with "Parls". F9 to update the change, then press F1 to go back into the first screen of the "evemod" and press Tab+N, since the Partyadd event has another field the party number will be in:

The party number will be next to something called "parno", correct it to the new party number then F9 to save the change and F1 twice to get out of the evemod screen.

Do this for every event until all are corrected.

Cfile Event Needs to be udpated too.