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NGCMS Chgammend fix - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

NGCMS Chgammend fix

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for data conversion for NG-CMS cases are being found where an expunge was run, but there was a charge ammend for the charge retaining data about the original charge. Judith Terp will send this in and here's how to fix them.

Similar to SEALING and NO PROBABLE CAUSE FOUND, you'll find the chgamend event and 

evemod on it then
  • x out all fields except "amender" under the C hair
    • add ecode records with eco_code = EXPUNGED and eco_type = off_char and off_code
  • x out the ete_type under the "T" hair
    • add etext record with ete_name = EXPUNGED and ete_type = name