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How To Delete An Event - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

How To Delete An Event

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How To Delete An Event

***If you want to practice, each VTADS server has a "test & training" option so you are not in the production database*** 

To delete an event in VTADS, look up the docket the event is in. For help, see the article on Searching For a Docket.

From the header of the docket, press F2 to open the event list.

When a docket clerk sends in a ticket, there are a few things they may include to help identify which event needs deleting. Some will provide a screenshot, while others will provide the event ID:

Or the date of the event:

Arrow down through the docket until you find the event you want to delete and press F7

The "F7" key will "clear to add", creating a new line at the bottom of the event list for you to "enter" an event in. Notice you are highlighting the date, you want to be in the "EVENT" column, so press Enter:

And you are now highlighting the "EVENT" column. The command to delete an event is called "evekill". Type this into the "EVENT" column:

And press F9 to "save/update". The next screen that pops up will be showing you which event you are removing, and the details of it, such as the event id:

And the name and date of the event:

At the bottom of the screen, there will be text saying "Hit add/update (F9) to delete this event". Press F9:

Confirm or Deny with "yes" or "no" then F9 to add/update

Sometimes, if an event is tied to a table such as the motion table, you will have an additional message when you delete an event:

Just press Enter if this message shows up and carry on to confirm deleting the event as show above.

After you remove the event, F1 once to back up a screen, and F2 to open the event list once more. This will refresh the event list to show your changes.