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Finance Bail Corrections - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Finance Bail Corrections

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Finance Bail Corrections

(Ticket ex: 32782)

Finance will submit bail corrections like the above ticket requesting a correction be made to a bail entry by the courts. Go to the specified court and search for the entity in the screenshot finance will send with the ticket. 

Match the entity number in the upper left hand corner with Finance's:

Tab + B will open up the bail entries tied to the entity.  Scroll through the list until you find the Bail ID to match the ID in Finance's screenshot then F2 to open it:

Always take a snippet of the bail entry before and after any changes and paste them into the ticket. This will help in case something needs to be undone or fixed later:

In the example ticket, finance is asking to have the dates changed in the bail screen for the date entered and the dep date. Press enter until you are highlighting the date and type over it in mm/dd/yyyy format and press F9 to save.

You might receive this message from VTADS:

Just F1 out of the bail screen and F2 back in to see if the change stuck. Sometimes it will throw this error even if it saves it. If it doesn't,  make sure everyone else is out of the entity screen.

Once you're done, make sure you have pasted an "after" screenshot into the ticket and close it.