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Expungement Process - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Expungement Process

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Expungement Process

The helpdesk will receive, from the courts, an email asking that expungement be completed in a case.   

  1. The clerks need to provide the docket number and the dispute number, or numbers if appropriate.  They must attach a Word document or PDF listing the events that reference disputes.  It will contain the event date, event name, event ID, and disputes associated with the event: 
  2. Verify that the correct dispute was deleted by the court by going into the case and looking at the docket hair by pressing Tab + Z -> Option 9 from the header.  
    1. It will contain the dispute that was deleted and charge information related to the dispute that the docket clerk was able to remove.
  3. Head back out to the division main screen via F1(s) and then go into the Docket Table in the Direct Table Access menu (Option 23,->4->2).  
  4. Enter either the doc_id or doc_no for the case in question and F3 to search. 
    1. Doc ID is more reliable and can be found on the PDF/Word file the clerk supplied.
  5. Press F2 to open a screen where you will enter the number(s) of the dispute(s) to be expunged.  
    1. Enter the dispute number where the cursor defaults to, then press enter
  6. Type yes (not just y) and press F9 to complete the process.
  7. When the process completes, you will get a message at the bottom of the screen saying Done.  
    1. You will also see a note that reminds you that, if the dis_no was the sole dis_no, you will need to do an evekill for the sole dis_no events. 
  8. Repeat from step 5 for all the counts being expunged.
  9. NOTE: as of 8/2019 there is a bug in this process that prevents the deletion/renumbering from acting as expected when there are more than 10 charges. Do all steps above and below and use the "action" button in DeskPro to set the status to HOLD. These will be dealt with when the bug is fixed.
  10. Now remove the events that are solely associated with the dispute being expunged.   You can use the listing received from the court or you can run another listing
  11. (From the header of the case, Shift + F4. Type eventdisp.  Enter until you reach the Narrow Output field, and key w to send to Word.  F9 to send to Word.
  12. Do an F7 + evekill for each event that is solely associated with the dispute (i.e.: the charge event). 
  13. If you have a case such as this:
  14. Where you are expunging dispute 1, but dispute 2 does not come in for months and/or years later, remove everything from dispute 1's charge event until dispute 2's charge event. 
  15. ***DO NOT delete the CFILE event Or Rule 5 Hearing event***

Not all events in a docket will be tied to a dispute like the events listed in the 'eventdisp' document. Some examples are:

  • Arrest Warrants
  • Violation of Parole (VOP)
  • entorder
  • letsent

Arrest Warrants

  1. Arrest Warrants will have the aworder event tied to the dispute and typically "awissue" or "awdisp" events as well that are not linked to the dispute.
  2. Take down the Arrest Warrant number and remove all events tied to this arrest warrant. The number will always be in the description of the arrest warrant event.
  3. Back out of the docket to division main menu, option 23 -> option 4 -> option 12:
  4. Then F2 to open the direct table:
  5. Search by the war_id or the warrant number you took down earlier and F3 to search:
  6. F2 to open the warrant child section:
  7. Shift + F2 to delete the child entity then F1 to back out of the 1st screen, you will be on the war_id number. Shift + F2 to delete the information for the warrant.

Violation of Parole

  1. To delete a VOP, go to the header of the docket and you will see a field in the header called "PJ" and the number will be how many VOPs have been filed in the case:
  2. Press Tab + X to bring up the Post Judgement table:
  3. If there are multiple VOPs for the dispute you are expunging, note which PJ# in the far left column is associated with it. Take down the Post Judge Id in the right hand corner (Indicated in the screenshot above). 
    1. F1 out of the Post Judgement table 
    2. F2 to open the event list. 
    3. Typically VOP events are at the end of the docket, so you can scroll to find the "vpaff" event or VOP File event, or search for it to bring it up. 
    4. F7 + evekill the vpaff event.
  4. VOPs can be tricky because not every event associated with it is tied to the dispute:You would want to remove all of these events in the screenshot above. Best rule is to remove anything between the vpaff event and the vpdisp event:
  5. Events tied to a VOP can go on for months-years.
  6. Once all events have been deleted, back out of the docket and open up the direct tables (as shown earlier)
  7. Open up the Postjudg Table:
  8. And type in the post judgement id you got from the post judgement screen earlier:
  9. Press Shift + F2 to delete the VOP.
  10. Do this for all VOPs in the docket that are related to the expungement.


  1. Tab + M will open the motion table:
  2. Some motions are tied to many disputes.  In this case, edit the motion to remove reference to the expunged dispute/count
    1. Highlight the motion you want to edit, and Shift + F4 will open the motion details:
    2. Press enter until you are highlighting the text in the "mot_disls" field:
    3. For this example, I am expunging dispute 3, so to edit the motion I will do:
    4. F9 to save any changes
  3. To delete a motion that is only tied to the disputes you are expunging, you will: 
    1. Highlight the motion to be deleted
    2. Shift + F4 to open the motion details
    3. Shift + F2 will delete the motion


NOTE: Some courts enter an entorder event referencing the expungment (Rutland for example).  evekill this also,  if present:letsent

NOTE: some courts enter a letsent about hte expungement. evekill this also: