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Enotice -No ERN - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Enotice -No ERN

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Enotice -NO ERN

1. Change user in DeskPro to the person that the notice is for. Danielle Bird in the cases below.

(Ticket ex: 33073)

When an attorney does not have their ERN from eCabinet connected with VTADS, they will not receive hearing notices. This error comes when a clerk tries to send a hearing notice and VTADS cannot send it. This could be a misplaced notification flag, or the attorney has not registered in eCabinet. 

When this ticket comes in:

It will have the docket number and the event ID (highlighted) of the hearing that the clerk attempted to send, as well as the username of the clerk who sent it (dbird in this ticket)

Go into the VTADS server and search by the docket number. From the header of the docket, press Tab + P to open the party table:

Under the "Notice" column, there are two fields. The left field is for the litigants to receive notices, the second for attorneys.

If there is no attorney, the 'y' flag needs to be in the left column, if there is an attorney the  flag needs to be in the right column.

 If the flags are placed in the right spots, check the attorneys for their ERN. Press enter when highlighting a party number to move over and highlight the attorney's name:

Press Shift + F4 to open the attorney's details:

VTADS will say ENR, but it is the same as an ERN. The above is how it should look. What you are looking for is this:

Once you find the attorney without and ERN, search for them in eCabinet. If you cannot find the attorney's eCabinet account,  resolved the ticket using the macro "Enotice" and then reply to the ticket and use the "Attorney Must Register Snippet" and include a screenshot of the atty's info.