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Deleting VTADS Accounts - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Deleting VTADS Accounts

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Deleting VTADS Accounts

When a user is terminated and they had access to VTADS, you will need to remove the user accounts in the servers they were in. To check if the user had an account in a VTADS server, log into the server then elevate to super user by typing su before entering the VTADS menu.

(For the password please see Kristi, Kathleen, or Jim B.)

Type cd /etc to switch to the correct directory for user accounts:

Then to search for the user accounts type grep (the user's username) passwd:

If the user does not have an account in that server, the next line will come up blank:

To delete the account, type userdel (username):

There will be no output from VTADS, so search for the user as you did before to confirm they've been deleted. (grep *username*  passwd)

If it comes up blank, the user has been deleted.

NEW 9/9/2019:

userdel command not working?? Add /usr/sbin/ before it:

/usr/sbin/userdel flast