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Deleting Payments/Fines - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Deleting Payments/Fines

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Deleting Payments/Fines

(Ticket ex: 33371)

Depending on the type of payment/fine you are trying to delete, there are a couple ways to find the ids you need.

In most dockets, you will be able to find them by going to the header of the docket and pressing Shift + F4

Type payord for the form name, then press enter until you are highlighting "narrow output" and type then enter one more time:

Press F9 and it will take you to the "payord" which will have the fees/fines such as the public defender fee or sentence charges:

Write down the Agree ID and the Fine ID. Then press "q" to exit the screen. F1 out of the case and to the main menu:

Choose option 23-System Administration Screens -> 4.Direct Table Access

 There are 5 options under Direct Table Access where you will need to search for the payment:

Above are the tables for searching for the payments. 

***To completely delete a fee/fine you will need to delete it from all these tables starting from the bottom. So start at table 11.Credit Table and work your way up to 7. Agree Table***

Open option 9. Debit table:

You can search by either the Fine ID (deb_finid) or the Agree ID(deb_agrid) you got from the payord screen in the docket. Enter down to highlight then type in the one you want to search with and press F3:

We have 4 items to delete here, confirm the date and the fine with what you saw in the Payord screen for this Agree ID and/or Fine ID, then Shift + F2 to delete them. do this for all. F1 back to the menu.

Open option 8.Fine Table:

You can search by either the Fine ID (fin_id) or the Agree ID(fin_agrid) you got from the payord screen in the docket. Enter down to highlight then type in the one you want to search with and press F3:

Verify that the entity name, the event type (fine_why), and the date match up with what you saw in the Payord screen to make sure this is the fine you want to delete. The press Shift + F2 to delete it. Then F1 back to the menu and choose option 7.Agree Table:

You can only search by the Agree ID (agr_id) in the Agree table. Type it in a press F3 to search:

Again, verify the entity name and date then press Shift + F2 to delete it.  F1 out to the menu then open option 7 (Agree table) again and try searching the Agree ID once more to make sure it was deleted. If it is still there, search tables 8-11 starting at 11 and make sure the Agree ID or Fine ID does not still pull a fine up.

To verify, you can also go back into the docket Shift + F4 from the header and run the Payord form once more. If you have completely removed it, it should not show up: