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Deleting Motions - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Deleting Motions

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Deleting Motions and other Motion-related events

(Ticket Ex: 33357)

  • To delete a motion completely, you will need to remove the event in the event list, and the motion itself from the motion table.
    • motion event: evekill motion event and delete motion from motion table
    • motreact event - check with Kristi and edit this document please
    • mprfile event: evekill mprfile event and delete motion from motion table
    • mpreo  event: evekill mpreo event only, do NOT delete motion from motion table (this is just a change in status of motion)
    • motjudge event: evekill motjudge only, do NOT delete motion from motion table
    • motdisp event: evekill motdisp and clear out the status and put **/**/*** in the date in the motion table to "re-open" it
  1. Search for case in the appropriate server then from the header of the case press F2 to open the event list:
  2. Ctrl + F3 will clear the event list so you can search a specific event:
  3. Press Enter to highlight the "event" field and then type 'm' to search for all events relating to a motion:
  4. F3 to search
  5. Arrow down until you find the event the docket clerk specified, indicated by the Event ID in the upper right hand corner of the event list:
  6. F7 + evekill to delete the requested events:
  7. After deleting the events requested, F1 twice to return to the header of the case, then Tab + M to open the motion table:
  8. You'll still see the motion tied to the "motion" or "mprfile" event you just deleted. It will need to be removed from this screen as well. arrow down to the motion that is going to be deleted so you are highlighting the number of said motion and press Shift + F4 to open the details of the motion:
  9. Shift + F2 will delete the motion. When you F1 out after deleting the motion, the motion table will update:
  10. If there are multiple motions and you delete on from the middle of the list (ex: there are 5 motions and you delete motion # 3) ask the docket clerk if they would like the remaining motions renumbered. 
    1. If they are not renumbered, the next motion entered will take the number of the newly deleted motion 
      1. (ex: new motion will be #3 instead of continuing the list to #6.)

To Renumber motions in the motion list (If the docket clerk has confirmed that is what they want)

  1. From the header of the case Tab + M to open the motion table
  2. Arrow down the list of motions to highlight the on to be renumbered
  3. Shift + F4 to open the motion details:
  4. Make sure you are highlighting the number field then type in the number you are changing it to and press F9:
  5. F1 until you are back to the case header then F2 to open the event list. Ctrl + F3 then search for 'm' to bring up the motions like before:
  6. Any events tied to the motions you renumbered will need to be modified to the new number:
  7. Select the event and F7 + evemod to modify the event:
  8. Tab + C 

You will want to edit the number next to 'motls' to the new motion number. Do this for all events for any motions you renumber.