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Deleting events in VTADS (Chgdisp, Sentence, Vpaff,etc) - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Deleting events in VTADS (Chgdisp, Sentence, Vpaff,etc)

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Chgdisp Event

F2 from the header of the case will open the events in the case, find the chgdisp event and write down the disputes that are effected by the chgdisp:

F7 & Evekill this event

F1 to go up a level from the event list to the dispute table. Shift + F4 will open the details of the dispute. 

Press enter until you are highlighting the status text and press space until you have cleared out the text. Then press enter to highlight the date and replace the date with asterisks like **/**/**** then press F9 to save your changes. 

Sentence Event

From the header of the case press F2 to open the event list and check to make sure there has been a fineerror or fineammend  event entered that zeros out the money from the sentence event.

Find the sentence event and press F7 & Evekill the event. Delete any other events the docket clerk has indicated, keep the finamend events.

Vpaff & vpplea Events

From the header of the case press Tab + x to go into post judgement screen

Move to the post judgement count that you are going to be deleting (ex: VOP 1 or VOP 2)

Note the case id and the post judgement id numbers

Press F1 to back out to the header of the docket and F2 to open the event list. Find the associated events and delete them using the F7 + evekill function

Once they are deleted go to:

Find the post judgement using the post judgement id (10971 in this example)

Shift + F2 to delete

Go back to case to confirm it is gone from the post judgement screen (Tab + x from header of docket)

Psychord Event

Note the case id in the header of the docket

Find the appropriate event to be deleted.

Note the event id and the order number (F2 into event to get order number)

F7 from the event and do an evekill, 

Go to direct table access, the docket table. (Option 23 from main county menu, option 4, then option 2)

Look up the Docket by the Docket ID

<Shift><F4> to view the dhair table

delete the appropriate order number from the dhair table. (this will be some kind of seval or ceval entry)