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Deleting a VOP (Post Judgement) - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Deleting a VOP (Post Judgement)

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Deleting a VOP (Post Judgement)

To delete a VOP, go to the header of the docket and you will see a field in the header called "PJ" and the number will be how many VOPs have been filed in the case:

Press Tab + X to bring up the Post Judgement table:

Note which PJ# in the far left column is associated with it. Take down the Post Judge Id in the right hand corner (Indicated in the screenshot above). F1 out of the Post Judgement table and F2 to open the event list. 

Typically VOP events are at the end of the docket, so you can scroll to find the "vpaff" event or VOP File event, or search for it to bring it up.

F7 + evekill the vpaff event.

VOPs can be tricky because not every event associated with it is tied to the dispute:You would want to remove all of these events in the screenshot above. Best rule is to remove anything between the vpaff event and the vpdisp event:

Events tied to a VOP can go on for months-years.

Once all events have been deleted, back out of the docket and open up the direct tables (From the main menu option 23.System Administration Reports

->4.Direct Table Access)

Open up the Postjudg Table:

And type in the post judgement id you got from the post judgement screen earlier:

Press Shift + F2 to delete the VOP.