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Correcting Bail Entries - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Correcting Bail Entries

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Correcting Bail Entries

(Ticket ex: 33806)

To correct the bail screen, you will need the entity name/id or docket number that is tied to the bail entry so you can look it up.

If you are searching by the docket, search the docket and from the header press Tab + E to bring up the entity screen of the defendant.

If you are searching by the entity, go to the main selection screen in the correct county and choose option 14. Entity Tables:

The option 1. Firm or Person:

Then in the next screen, search for the entity by the first and last name (Note: The search is case-sensitive) Search using F3:

Once you are at the entity screen:

Press Tab + B to bring up the list of bail entries tied to the entity:

Find the entry that needs to be corrected, either by the date , event, amount, or receipt number if you have the docket and events to refer to.

Highlight the bail entry and press F2 to open the details of the entry (This can also help you determine which entry needs the correction)

**Take a screenshot of this bail screen before any changes are made and paste it into the ticket.** This is just in case there was an error in the bail, we will better be able to track what happened and correct it if needed.

You can press enter to navigate through the different fields. The most common corrections will be the Check #, and the date entered for the bail and the deposit date for the bail.

Highlight the field the needs to be corrected, enter in the correct information, then press F9 to save your change.

Occasionally, there will be a couple of different errors that pops up, enter through the messages then F1 out of the bail screen and F2 to open it back up to make sure the changes took.

If they didn't, make sure everyone is out of the docket/entity/bail screen and try again.

**Take a screenshot of your changes in the bail screen once you are done and paste it into the ticket**

  • You also need to edit the bailpost event in the event list.
  • find the event and use the traditional evemod
  • ctrl + a, edit the info, F9 to save.