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Changing Probate Cases - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Changing Probate Cases

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Changing Probate Cases

(Ticket Ex: 33245)

Sometimes a Probate case will need the dispute type changed, when a ticket is submitted for this, make sure the docket clerk provides the code for the type of dispute they need it changed to.

Log into the appropriate VTADS server and search for the docket. 

From the header press F2 to open the event list:

Then Shift + F1 will bring you immediately from the last events to the beginning of the docket. Look for the "prfile" event:

Highlight it and modify the event (F7 + evemod + F9)

From the "Modify and event" window that pops up, tab over to highlight the field underneath "Hair" and type "C" and another window will pop up:

Arrow down to the field next to the "dis_type" (dispute type) and type over it with the new code the docket clerk provided and press F9 to save, then F1 out until you reach the dispute screen:

The F2 once more to open the event list again. 

This "Refreshes" and updates the change you just made. Shift + F1 to reach the bottom of the list and find the "prfile" again and see the updated text in the description of the event:

Left-click and highlight the text "Testate $1-10,000" (Or whatever description is after the 'Case Filed:' text) and copy it to your clipboard. Modify the "prfile" once more and this time at the modify event screen,  tab over and type "T" and in the window that pops up, will be the old description of the dispute:

Paste over the text and clear out any extra characters so that this description matches the one you just copied. F9 to save then F1 out to the event list.

Then F1 once to get from the event list and into the dispute table:

Shift+ F4 will open the details of the dispute:

Enter over to the "Description field":

And right click to paste the description in:

And clear out any extra characters by pressing the space bar so that it reads correctly and matches the description in the "prfile"

In the same window, press enter once more to highlight the type field, and type in the code the docket clerk provided. Press F9 to save your changes then F1 out of the dispute details.