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Changing Name in Bail post - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Changing Name in Bail post

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Changing Name in Bail post

(Ticket Ex: 34235)

When the poster in a Bail Post event has been entered in correctly, you will need to fix the entity id in both the bailpost event and the bail screen.

Get the entity id and name of the correct bail poster from the docket clerk. Then search for the docket the event was entered in.

From the header of the docket press Tab + E  to open the entity screen of the defendant:

Press Tab + B to open the list of bail under the entity:

And look for either the docket number, receipt number, event date/name, etc to identify the correct entry and press F2 on the selection after you have highlighted it. In the details of the bail entry, we want to look for the entity id of the "poster" since that is what the docket clerk needs corrected:

Enter down to highlight the poster entity id and take a snip of the bail screen before you modify it. Paste the screenshot into the ticket then correct the poster entity with the entity id the clerk provided. F9  to update:

**Then take a screenshot of the bail screen after you have made your change and paste that into the ticket as well. This is so if there were any questions about changes made, we have a "trail" in the tickets.**

F1 all the way out of the bail screens and entity screens until you are back at the header of the docket. From there press F2 to open the event list:

Press CTRL + F3 to clear the list and search for an event. Press Enter once to place your cursor under the "EVENT" column and type "bail". F3 to search:

Press F2 once you have highlighted the bailpost event to open the details of the event:

This is the name that we will need to correct. F1 once to get out of the bailpost event details and back to the event list. Press F7 + evemod modify the bailpost event:

In the evemod screen press tab + n to open the party portion of the event details:

And in the screen that comes up, modify the number for "perentid" to the same entity id you corrected the poster to in the bail screen earlier:

F9 to save your changes and then F1 all the way out until you reach the header of the docket, then F2 to open a refreshed event list and search for the event again and F2 to open the details and verify that the event looks correct: