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Adding Party Codes - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Adding Party Codes

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Adding Party Codes

(Ticket ex: 33374)

Sometimes with the larger dockets that have several parties, a party code will need to be added to be able to add all necessary parties.

Go into the county that is asking for the code to added then at the main screen:

Choose option 22. System Administration Screens then option 3.Docket Specific codes:

Type the docket number the clerk is working in (cv for civil in the example ticket) then enter over to highlight under "type" and type "par_ent" to search all code types for parties then press F3:

A long list of different party codes will pop up:

The docket clerk will tell you what they need, like the example ticket, "cp77 to enter the 77th party". Look for a code that is similar to the one being requested, and 

Ctrl + F3 to clear the search, then type the docket type back in, and enter over to highlight under "code" and type the similar code with a asterisk after for a wild card:

Press F3 to search:

It may be easiest to take a snippet of your own, but we are going to copy the two codes that are set up for the code you searched. So press F7 to add a new line. Typw the docket type your adding the code to:

Type one of the types in, you will be doing both, so doesn't matter which one you do first:

Then the code type the docket clerk has requested in the ticket:

Then make sure the description matches the one for the type you're entering (par_ent = system)

Then F9 to save. Do the same for the second type:

So the highlighted two are the ones I added for this requested code, and they match the code I searched for an example.

Ask the docket clerk to try the code out to make sure it works for them.