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Adding Entity Back Into Docket (After Entrem) - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Adding Entity Back Into Docket (After Entrem)

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Adding Entity Back Into Docket (After Entrem)

(Scroll to bottom for V2)

(Ticket ex: 33572)

If an 'entrem' event was done by mistake, we can add the entity back into the case. Make sure the docket clerk gives you the correct entity ID & name of the entity.

Go into the case and from the header of the case, press Tab + P to open the party table:Highlight the party number of the entity you need to put back into the case  (for example, here we are restoring party 1) and take down the Party ID number:

F1 out of the party table and once more out of the docket until you are back at the main screen:

Choose option 23. System Administration Reports, then option 4. Direct Table Access. From the Direct Table Access list, open up the "Party Table" (Option 4):

Then Enter down until you have highlighted the field next to "par_id" and enter in the party id number you took from the party table. Then F3 to search:

Enter down to highlight the "par_litid" field and type in the entity ID the docket clerk gave you. Press F9 to save your changes and verify that the name that comes up is correct with what the docket clerk provided:

F1 out to the main screen then go an search the docket again. Then, from the header press F2  to open the event list. Find the entrem and remove it (F7 + evekill)

Find the file event (juvenile case-"jfile", criminal case-"cfile") highlight it, and modify it (F7 + evemod)

From the modify screen press Tab + N, then in the screen that pops up, find the "defentid" and arrow down to highlight the number next to it:

Enter in the entity ID that the docket clerk provided and press F9. F1 all the way out and back to the header of the docket, then F2 to open a refreshed event list. Find the file event again and F2 to open the details and make sure it lists the entity's name again.

The title of the docket can be edited by the docket clerks to the correct title.


VCAS updates overnight so the case won't be available until the next day.