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Add New VTADS user - Knowledgebase / Older Knowledgebase Items - Vermont Judiciary Technology Service Center

Add New VTADS user

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Add User to the Linux Server

Log into the server

Su to superuser

(For the password please see Kristi, Kathleen, or Jim B.) 

Cd /etc

Check that user does not already exist by typing : grep username passwd (The username MUST match their AD username)

Open 'VTADS template for adding users' (attached). At the top of the excel sheet will be a line of formula for each of the VTADS servers. You can tell which server the line is for by looking in the "Server" column:

It is important to have the correct three letter code in the "add user line" or else the account will not be created correctly. Copy one of the rows of code and make sure to get everything to the right, up to the "dir_user" column:

Paste it out below the chunk at the top and start filling in the 'Last Name', 'First Name' boxes. As you type you should notice the "Add user line" formula updating.

In the 'flast' parts, enter in the user's AD account name. The password will be flmmddyy! (ex: js082019!). 

In the end it should look similar to this:

ColganSierrascolganAdministrative Assistantgin201useradd -g 201 -c 'Sierra Colgan' -s /usr/local/bin/gin_menu -d /usr3/scolgan scolganpasswd scolgansc082019!Sierra Colgan, Administrative Assistant/usr3/vtadstemp/scolgan

Copy & paste the "add user line" with the appropriate information into each server you have to add them to (You can keep editing the three letter code for each server instead of creating a whole new line in the excel sheet)

Then set the password. You can type "passwd username" or copy & paste from the excel sheet. Same with the password itself:

Type 'exit' to logout of root

For Thyme access, add the user and then email Jim Baslock the username asking to give them permission.

Add them to Thyme using this user add line instead:

/usr/sbin/useradd -g 201 -c 'First Last' -s /usr/local/bin/vtb_menu -d /usr3/flast flast

The difference being the '_ro' added to the end of the code(example vtb_menu_ro), as Thyme is now ReadOnly and fully transferred to Odyssey.

Add user to County VTADS (permissions)

Type (County two letter abbreviation)_menu (ex:ros_menu) to get to the menu of the server

  • Type the letter associated with the production vtads for that county (usually x)

Go into System admin screen 

Go into system user class

Hit F7 to add a new user and type in their username and hit enter to highlight under "User Class"

Type permission level

                        d-district (criminal)

                        f –family

                        s-superior (civil)

                        entry-docket clerks

                        admin-court managers

                        staff-RIS use

                        probate must have sadmin

Entry must be entered dfsentry or dfsadmin.  The order of dfs is important.  You can use any combination of dfs that is needed, but they must stay in order.

Press F9 to update user.

Press F1 until you get back to the main menu

Press q to quit.

Repeat for each county on the server the user need access to.

VTADS permissions

Read only access – ‘readonly’

Criminal entry only – ‘dentry’

Family entry only (domestic, juvenile, etc) – ‘fentry’

Civil entry only – ‘sentry’

Criminal, family, civil entry – ‘dfsentry’

Probate access – ‘sadmin’

Criminal, family, civil, probate – ‘dfsadmin’

Permission level needed for docket clerk to expunge is ‘dfsadmin’

Help desk staff – ‘staff’

4. Adding user to code table

In the VTADS excel sheet, there is a section at the end of the code:

dir_user and staff are the two codes you need to add for every user with Unify. These are the last to columns in the line of code you created (shown above)

Add codes to for users by logging into Unify and clicking 'code':

"Add new code". Check 'single/multiple courts' and add the user to the county(s) they will be accessing. For the example I am adding Sierra to all courts, but am still checking this and then the counties as the 'all courts' has been known to fail for sometimes.

Below choose the code type, the 'code' will be the username, then add the matching code description.

Do the same for both dir_user and staff codes.

For reference, what it looks like in VTADS:

Printing:  Dir_user /usr3/vtadstemp/(username)

Staff - (name and position)